Posts Tagged 'israel'

Israeli and Palestinian Trade Unions Reach Historic Agreement

The Israeli national trade union centre Histadrut and the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions PGFTU, both of which are affiliated to the ITUC, have reached a landmark agreement to protect the rights of Palestinian workers employed by Israeli employers, and to base future relations on negotiations, dialogue and joint initiatives to advance “fraternity and coexistence between the two peoples.” The current agreement draws on the terms of an initial 1995 agreement, which it had not been possible to fully implement in the intervening years.

Infoshop News – Israeli and Palestinian Trade Unions Reach Historic Agreement

Bild der Woche

[Solidemo für Christian und Andrea in Tel Aviv]

Aktion der Woche

“Mabruk” sagen Araber zu einer gelungenen Aktion. Glückwunsch. Der Ausbruch aus Gaza ist so eine Aktion. Eine Revolte gegen das Gefängnis, in das Israel die Palästinenser gesteckt hat. Ein Weckruf an die arabischen Potentaten, den UN-Sicherheitsrat und auch die Europäische Gemeinschaft.

Schreibt Georg Baltissen in einem Kommentar in der taz. Ich finds gut.



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